April 23, 2013 scottcjones 8Comments

Dear Readers:

My apologies to the handful of you who come to the site on a daily basis in search of an update. The reason I haven’t posted anything in weeks is simply this: I’ve been going through some personal b.s. lately, and that b.s. has made it extremely challenging for me to write. I know, I know—if I’m going to call myself a writer I should be writing, no matter what the emotional weather is, etc. etc. Well, for whatever reason, I can’t seem to get myself together enough to get a damn post out the door.

On the bright side, as I type this, my desk is covered in stray Post-It notes. That’s usually a sign that the writing is about ready to happen. Expect something soon. And thanks again for your time and your patience. And thanks for hanging in there.

Best, Scott

8 thoughts on “No Kidding, an Update is Coming—Promise.

  1. Understandable, Scott. Keep hammering away at life and give us the history when you’re feeling up to it. Hope this finds you well~

  2. Sorry to hear you’ve had a rough time. You should use that energy and turn it into something positive. Everything will work out if you trust it!

  3. Sometimes things happen in our lives that we have no control over. Its okay to take a break when you need to. We will always come back because I think somehow we can all relate to your stories, well most of them!

  4. Gee, I am glad I decided to hold back & not bitch you out over things you already know. Your honesty is appreciated.

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